Testosterone Deficiency is the main cause of erectile dysfunction in men.

It is also the cause of numerous medical conditions that lead to male impotence.

Erectile Dysfunction affects about one percent of men globally.

Testosterone deficiency also has a great contribution to erectile dysfunction in hypogonadism men. In hypogonadism men, the secretion of testosterone by the pituitary gland is insufficient. In most cases, hypogonadism remains untreated and the pituitary gland continues to secrete normal levels of the hormone. However, in some men, particularly those who lack the necessary hormonal production, hypogonadism continues to lead to diminished libido and potency, even though testosterone and HGH levels are still high.

The symptoms of testosterone deficiency depend on the level of hormone secretion. In hypogonadism, the symptoms usually include decreased sex drive, decreased muscle mass, decreased bone mass, and erectile dysfunction. In testosterone-deficient men, the most common symptoms include decreased bone density, increased fat pad weight, decreased muscle strength, insomnia, decreased libido, and decreased sex drive.

There are several ways to test for testosterone deficiency. Blood tests can measure serum testosterone levels. The most commonly used blood test is the ACTH stimulation test. The level of stimulation is proportional to declining levels of the human growth hormone in the blood. This test can only reveal low levels of hormone; it cannot predict whether or not low levels of testosterone will cause erectile dysfunction or sexual weakness.

A few genes cause testosterone deficiency. One of them, the Y chromosome, is coded with an incorrect version of the gene for testosterone. It is possible for people to have anemia due to this mutation, but they still have normal levels of the hormone circulating within their body. People with anemia due to the other forms of this condition, namely hyperthyroidism, and menopause, rarely make enough testosterone.


Other causes of testosterone deficiency include infections and drug abuse. People with HIV/AIDS and cancer patients are at a high risk of developing hypogonadism. A recent study also suggests that the immune system may play a major role in promoting androgenic alopecia, the medical term for hypogonadism, as well as in reducing the effects of cancer drugs such as chemotherapy.

Men with decreased levels of testosterone deficiency commonly experience low sperm count or infertility. A recent study found that the decreased levels of sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) may be responsible for this loss. SHBG is the protein that transports testosterone and sperm across the placenta. The absence of SHBG results in the inability of the testes to produce male sperm and, as a result, fertility in men becomes nonexistent.

Another common cause of testosterone deficiency is chronic kidney disease. Some researchers believe that the condition is caused by reduced levels of vitamin D and calcium. Chronic kidney disease often affects the prostate, the scrotum, and the testicles. The decreased muscle mass and decreased energy levels attributable to dialysis can lead to a deficiency of testosterone.

Testosterone Deficiency may also be caused by chemotherapy, radiation treatments, and infections. The diagnosis of Testosterone Deficiency is usually based on the results obtained from blood tests and/or semen analysis. Sometimes doctors suspect low levels of testosterone, even before symptoms begin to appear. In some cases, the doctor will order a semen analysis in order to make sure there are no problems with the production of testosterone. If doctors cannot find a reason for low testosterone, a treatment plan can be decided upon.